The decisive mind : how to make the right choice every time

2023, Book , vi, 226 pages :
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Summary/Review: "Have you ever set yourself a goal but struggled to achieve it? In a world overflowing with choices and distractions, indecision can be paralysing. It more...
Summary/Review: "Have you ever set yourself a goal but struggled to achieve it? In a world overflowing with choices and distractions, indecision can be paralysing. It can lead to missed opportunities, stress, even damaged relationships. In The Decisive Mind, decision making expert Professor Sheheryar Banuri provides a new framework to choose the life you want, one decision at a time. Using real-world examples and his own ground-breaking research, Professor Banuri shows how even the smallest decisions have a profound impact on our lives. By understanding and streamlining your own process of decision-making, you will be able to make simple, effective, and efficient choices to help you edge closer to your aspirations and achieve your goals. From big, life-altering choices to the everyday decisions that shape your routine, The Decisive Mind puts you in control of your decision-making and sets you on the path to a more decisive you. Whether you seek to make bold career moves, enhance your relationships, or simply improve your overall well-being, this book will help you harness the immense potential of you"--Publisher's description.
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